var target = true; var oldValue = true; var oldValues = new Array(); var cacheField = true; var valueOnly = false; var selectedValue = ''; var cbFunction=null; /* * Makes a request to the droplist filter action * to filter the specified droplist */ function filterDroplist(source,targetId,listName,colName) { target = targetId; oldValues = new Array(); var col = document.getElementsByName(targetId)[0]; if (col.length>0){ var index = col.selectedIndex; if (index!=null && index >= 0){ oldValue = col.options[index].value; } } var filter = ""; if (source.selectedIndex!=null && source.selectedIndex>=0){ filter = source.options[source.selectedIndex].value; } ajaxCaller.getXML('/gaming/'+listName+'&filterColumn='+colName+'&filterValue='+filter,onDropListResponse); } /* * Makes a request to the droplist filter action * to filter the specified droplist */ function noInactiveFilterDroplist(source,targetId,listName,colName, active) { target = targetId; oldValues = new Array(); var col = document.getElementsByName(targetId)[0]; if (col.length>0){ var index = col.selectedIndex; if (index!=null && index >= 0){ oldValue = col.options[index].value; } } var filter = source.options[source.selectedIndex].value; ajaxCaller.getXML('/gaming/'+listName+'&filterColumn='+colName+'&filterValue='+filter+'&active='+active,onDropListResponse); } /* * Makes a request to the droplist filter action * to filter the specified droplist and dynamically * get value from database */ function filterDynaDroplist(source,targetId,listName,colName) { target = targetId; oldValues = new Array(); var col = document.getElementsByName(targetId)[0]; if (col.length>0){ var index = col.selectedIndex; if (index!=null && index >= 0){ oldValue = col.options[index].value; } } var filter = source.options[source.selectedIndex].value; ajaxCaller.getXML('/gaming/'+listName+'&filterColumn='+colName+'&filterValue='+filter+'&dyna=Y',onDropListResponse); } /* * Makes a request to the droplist filter action * to filter the specified droplist and dynamically * get value from database */ function multiFilterAndCacheDynaDroplist(source,targetId,listName,colName,cacheName,source2,colName2) { cacheField = cacheName; target = targetId; oldValues = new Array(); var col = document.getElementsByName(targetId)[0]; if (col.length>0){ var index = col.selectedIndex; if (index!=null && index >= 0){ oldValue = col.options[index].value; } } var filter = source.options[source.selectedIndex].value; var filter2 = source2.options[source2.selectedIndex].value; ajaxCaller.getXML('/gaming/'+listName+'&filterColumn='+colName+'&filterValue='+filter+'&filterColumn='+colName2+'&filterValue='+filter2+'&dyna=Y',onDropListResponse); } /* * Makes a request to the droplist filter action * to filter the specified droplist, and additionally * caches the response as a hidden on the screen */ function filterAndCacheRoleDroplist(source,targetId,listName,colName,cacheName,inOut) { cacheField = cacheName; valueOnly = false; selectedValue = ''; filterDroplistRole(source,targetId,listName,colName,inOut); } /* * Makes a request to the droplist filter action * to filter the specified droplist */ function filterDroplistRole(source,targetId,listName,colName,inOut) { target = targetId; oldValues = new Array(); var col = document.getElementsByName(targetId)[0]; if (col.length>0){ var index = col.selectedIndex; if (index!=null && index >= 0){ oldValue = col.options[index].value; } } var filter = source.options[source.selectedIndex].value; ajaxCaller.getXML('/gaming/'+listName+'&filterColumn='+colName+'&filterValue='+filter+'&inOut='+inOut,onDropListResponse); } /* * Makes a request to the droplist filter action * to filter the specified droplist, and additionally * caches the response as a hidden on the screen */ function filterAndCacheMultiDroplist(source,targetId,listName,colName,cacheName) { cacheField = cacheName; valueOnly = false; selectedValue = ''; filterMultiDroplist(source,targetId,listName,colName); } /* * Makes a request to the droplist filter action * to filter the specified droplist */ function filterMultiDroplist(source,targetId,listName,colName) { target = targetId; oldValues = new Array(); var filter = ""; var count = 0; var col = document.getElementsByName(targetId)[0]; if (col.length>0){ for (var c=0; c