Organization Search
This screen is used to search the system for the organization you are representing or to add a new organization if there is no existing record.
How to use this
a. Full legal name – Enter your organization's full legal name into the “Organization Name” field, do NOT just enter keywords (i.e. if your organization is called Port Moody Minor Hockey Association you need to enter ‘Port Moody Minor Hockey Association’. Entering ‘Port Moody Hockey’ or ‘Port Moody Minor Hockey’ will NOT return your organization).
b. Keywords with wildcards – You can search using keywords if you also use wildcards (%), these can be put at the beginning or end of the word, or on both sides.
If you are sure the word you are
searching for is at the start of your organization's full legal name, put
the % sign at the end of the word, this will return ONLY those results that
have the word at the beginning (i.e. searching for ‘Port%’ will return Port
Moody Minor Hockey Association and Port Alberni
If you are sure that the word you are searching for is at the end of your organization's full legal name, put the % sign at the beginning of the word, this will return ONLY those results that have the word at the end (i.e. searching for ‘%Association’ will return Port Moody Minor Hockey Association and Lynn Valley Soccer Association, it will not return The Association of Pastry Chefs).
It is generally best to put the % sign on each side of the word(s) you want to search for, as this will return any results with the word in it (i.e. searching for ‘%Hockey%’ or ‘%Port%Moody%’ will both return Port Moody Minor Hockey Association – as well as a number of other organizations).
Tip: The “New Applicant” button does not appear until you have searched at least once. Therefore, even if you believe your organization does not exist in the system and you want to create it, you still have to enter criteria and verify that it is not there. This is to prevent the creation of duplicate organization profiles.
Tip: You can do a search with both name criteria and an L&G File Number. However, this is not recommended since if the criteria are incorrect in one search box, it will nullify the results for the criteria in the other search box, even if it is correct.